Spooks day is upon us. While I just go with the flow, The Smalls have been up since 6am with excitement. Bombarded by PR agencies begging me to mention their Halloween-themed this or that, I only conceded to post when Harrods Food Hall promised to send us their exclusive Lola’s Halloween cupcakes for the occasion.
Then Chanel flirted with me offering hauntingly glamorous warpaint which I couldn’t refuse.
And – the toy shop to beat all others, Honey Jam, had a dream pirate fancy dress for Small.
Our annual pre-trick-or-treating party was hosted by the NW8 Halloween Queen, Lady Lala.
Once the sugar high was reached, we set the witches, pumpkins, ghosts and pirates free to beg for more.
Harrods: 83-135 Brompton Rd SW1 – Honey Jam: 2 Blenheim Crescent W11 – Chanel: 020 7493 3836 www.chanel.com.