Despite her unbelievable retail success to date, it’s impossible to hate Katie. She is just the sort of girl you want to hang out with. But the issue is she has no time to hang out. The girl’s feet hardly touch the ground. So, it was really no surprise to me to hear that Katie Lightfoot (fashion agent and founder of Mercy Delta, the luxurious handmade scarf brand) is now launching the Mercy Delta blouse collection in time for S/S13.
I interviewed Katie for West London Living. Here are the highlights:
Have you always lived in West London? No. I was born in Derbyshire and have moved to various places in the UK. Weirdly, my parents lived in Bayswater 30 years ago – just around the corner from where I am now. I love it here, but I’m a country girl at heart.
Where do you like to eat and drink locally? I loved Ark, an Italian restaurant in Notting Hill, but it has recently shut down! The Mall Tavern on Kensington Mall is great for roasts and comfort food. And for a fab cocktail once in a while, E&O is still the place. But my favourite place of all to eat is under a tree in Hyde Park: prosecco in plastic cups and some tasty cheese.
As a designer, do you feel inspired by your local area? I love watching the seasons change. Floral and architecture feature heavily in my designs. Plants obviously change with the seasons, but so do buildings as different light catches them. With the park and so much glorious Georgian and Victorian housing stock, I’m surrounded by inspiration.
Where would we find you chilling out? In the park, on a Boris bike!
Do you shop at the weekend? Oooh yes! Space NK is rather dangerous, being so close by, Portobello (but not at the weekend when it’s heaving), Kensington Church St (if I’m feeling flush) and Trilogy stores is perfect for jeans (and because I love the people who work there!).
Who in West London wears your scarves? Tina Hobley, Holly Willoughby, Alex Jones, Denise Van Outen, Fearne Cotton, and Jameela Jamil have been spotted wearing Mercy Delta. But what thrills me is when I see a stranger looking great in one of my pieces. I have to fight the urge to go up to them and say thank you!
Who would you love to see in Mercy Delta? Duchess Kate, of course! She is just another neighbour, after all.
Who is your hero? I’m completely clear on this one: Scarlet O’ Hara. “Tomorrow’s another day”
What’s the first thing you do when you get home? Kick off the heels and climb into some loungewear. After 12 years in fashionable shoes, my feet are destroyed.
What’s the best advice you’ve been given? “No”, is a door opening, a response, something to build on… That’s where it starts and “yes” will follow after some more work.
Tell us a secret about West London…. Whatever you may hear from the Hoxton types – it is STILL cooler than East London. Fact.
COMPETITION: Katie has very generously given away one of her divine, wool silk scarves, Orient Stag, worth £135 for one of my readers to win. All you have to do is sign up to my blog (top right of homepage), follow me on Twitter and RT the picture of this stunning scarf on Friday 23rd November. The lucky winner will be selected randomly on Saturday 24th November 2012.
visit to see the full selection this season’s screen-printed-by-hand scarves.

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