With only hours until the long awaited return of Mad Men to our screens (well, only for those who are Sky customers, but this is not the time to grind that axe), it’s time to fix ourselves a drink and take a glamorous step back to the 1960s ad world.
But blending in with such an iconic era needs a little prepping. Here’s how to style yourself as a legitimate throw-back:
- Dig out and fill up the vintage ice bucket ready for the first whisky of the day. There’s a beautiful Baccarat 1960s glass ice bucket currently on ebay
- Set aside at least an hour to backcomb and style your hair – L’Oreal Elnett hairspray launched in this era for a reason.
- On the subject of brushing, brush up on those creative straplines ready for the next client meeting. Take a leaf out of Peggy’s book and have a couple of winners up your sleeve, such as : “Take it. Break it. Share it. Love it.” ( Season 2, Episode 12 )
- Don’t do a Betty, for goodness sake, and fire your ‘Help’ in the heat of the moment. Instead, hire yourself a fabulous maid from www.mymaid.co.uk to look after the children, clean the house, take care of your laundry and generally hold your life together so you can spend time looking fabulous.
For the rest of my mad tips to be one of those Mad Men, read Culture Compass