I am curious. And while I am curious, my toes are cold. Has it become a custom of our generation to take our shoes off the moment we walk through the door? My parents don’t wear slippers or ‘house shoes’ at home so why am I obsessing about finding the perfect pair of slippers as winter encroaches?
You see, not any old slippers will do. I have a list of criteria: a) they need a sole. newspapers need to be brought in, bin bags taken out and children extracted from car rotas. b) they need to be hazardless. Slippers on a carpet staircase, combined with the pre-school morning rush, could be lethal. c) they need to offer the ultimate in foot comfort d) is my final but most important point, they need to look good.
There’s a reason Juicy Couture tracksuits and Abercrombie hoodies are purchased by the less chavy crowd; they are worn at home when relaxing. Now, I just had to find out what is the slipper equivalent.
I appealed to slipper-loving friends and quickly narrowed down the search to the Ugg-sheepskin type, the airplane remodelled slipper sock or a mary-jane/ballet shoe style in a cashmere mix. None of these options are perfect in my eyes. I will be continuing my hunt. Let me know how warm your toes are.

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