my sound trip @lushkingsroad

stressful juggling

So many of us are now officially addicted to the internet. According to a study I read early this year, the brain of an internet addict looks like that of an alcoholic or drug addict.  Apparently, an incoming email or text gives us the equivalent of a ‘fix’.  It’s pretty terrifying and, of course, utterly draining so … when I was offered The Lush Sound Bath which was promising to take me to a deeply peaceful, meditative state of relaxation, I didn’t put up too much of a fight.

I think I was also feeling slightly overwhelmed by a non-balanced work/life seesaw and it was the mental clarity on offer which really appealed to me.  Often it is hard to see the wood from the trees and focus on a job-in-hand when we are constantly multi-tasking and rushing around like headless chickens.

So today I walked into the Lush shop on the King’s Road, only to be greeted by that over-powering Lush signature smell.  I felt a little concerned that not only would I never achieve a sense of calm but actually I might leave with even worse head-spin.

cosy kitchen at Lush Spa

However, I should not have been concerned. Elvira, my therapist, was calmness personified and led me downstairs to a cosy, rustic farmhouse kitchen, beneath the shop.  Before we began the treatment, she handed me a curious ‘present’ of a wooden box.  Inside, amid the dry ice, was an Alice in Wonderland vial of liquid labeled ‘drink me’ and a magic mushroom made of raw cacao and coconut.  Elvira explained that these would enable me to listen better and would guide me to my meditative state.

Alice in Wonderland-esque magic mushroom and vial

Lying down fully clothed, my sound trip began.  I forgot about the slight hangover I have from the Hippodrome the night before, my work deadlines and the race against time I would be up against to pick up the Smalls once this is all over.  And I drift.  I am vaguely aware of the hot and cold stone facial massage (to relax my muscles),  tuning forks (to clear my mind), the burning of ear candles (to stimulate  circulation and kick-start my body’s cleansing) and an intensive head massage. In the background I can hear hypnotic folk music combined with bird singing and Tibetan singing bowls.  The whole experience is bonkers but wonderfully so.

Six hours later and I most definitely feel calm and cleansed.  Infinitely more relaxing than massage or facial I have ever had, this regressive experience has rendered me focused and balanced.  And now my aim is to check my email less often.

The Lush Spa Sound Bath  1 hr £65



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