Shampoo just washes your hair, right? Such a fallacy for anyone even half as obsessed as me in having glossy tresses. In reality, there are any number of expensive shiny bottles out there luring us over to their shelves in hairdressers, supermarkets, chemists, beauty salons, gyms… we need to have our constant guard up so as not to fall prey…
And, when you’re least expecting someone to pull at your hair-wish heart-strings, suddenly a small fortune doesn’t seem expensive for the promise of fabulous hair.
Let’s face it – we all WISH for fabulous, thick, glossy hair. There’s nothing better really. Kate Middleton does the coiffed version. Cat Deeley and Sienna Miller pull off a more jumped-out-of-bed version. And, quite frankly, I’d be happy anywhere in between.
Over the last few months, I’ve made it my business to try as many different shampoos so that I can report back and save you all the bother. Some lather well, others smell magnificent, a few even look FAB in your bathroom but the criteria is strict. Glossy or OUT!
Here are my (current) top 5. I’d advise you to self-indulge:
1) John Masters Organics Lavender Rosemary shampoo £16
2) Nanogen Thickening Treatment shampoo £7.95
3) Color Wow Color Security Shampoo, £16.50
5) Trilogy Refresh and Shine shampoo, £12.50
Then all you need to do is: swish your head of gloss at a nearby prince.