Social media in business still remains a mystery for most, it seems. Often asked by those I interview or photograph how I think they might be able to use Twitter and Facebook more effectively, I’m always happy to share my ideas. But I also thought my top 5 rules in a post might be of use to others…
Please do bear in mind, these are only MY thoughts and not everyone would necessary agree.
Rule One: Don’t sell sell sell. Strike up an engaging relationship with your followers and only drop the occasion plug into conversation when you feel it’s relevant. In short, Twitter and Facebook aren’t billboards!
Rule Two: Tell me something I don’t know. Try to see yourself as a broadcaster. This is still relatively new media after all.
Rule Three: Check out your engagement metrics. Who and how many are liking, favouriting, retweeting etc your comments. Understand how your tone of voice is working/not-working for you and your business.
Rule Four: Observe others. This is the BEST way to learn all the tricks of the trade. Some brand are quite brilliant at social media so don’t be afraid to follow them and admire.
Rule Five: Don’t ever be tempted to cheat in this social media world. It only ends with egg on face and a big frown from your fans.
Follow me @yablon on Twitter / on Facebook and on Instgram where you’ll find I often break my own rules!
Or do contact me if you would like any further advice on the online social world.