I needed reminding of the legend behind the Godiva Chocolatier empire in advance of visiting the brand’s stand-alone café in Harrods yesterday. Before I admired the mouth-watering selection of Christmas treats at their press launch, I wanted to reacquaint myself with the story of Lady Godiva’s personal challenge.
As the wife of a ruling monarch in days of old (exactly when is vague), Lady G empathized with the taxing paying people and pleaded with her husband to reconsider his oppressive taxation. Her husband responded with a challenge for her: if she rode naked through the streets of Coventry and none of the locals sneaked a peek (by keeping their shutters shut), he would indeed lift the heavy tax.
The challenge was accepted and then completed successfully. And the tax was lifted. It was this passion that Joseph Draps, the creator of Godiva Chocolatier, based the name of his company in 1926.
A sweet story of some delicious chocolate. I might keep my clothes on to enjoy mine though.
In April of this year, Godiva opened its first Godiva Chocolate Café in Europe at Harrods (2nd floor).