Half term and their week of tennis and treats has long passed, but I have no doubt that the Smalls’ yo fro mission (commissioned by their favourite blogger) is still pretty clear in their memories.
If for some odd reason you’ve been living underground or even swallowed up by Ben or Jerry, you’ll be the only person not to have noticed the frozen yoghurt trend, which has taken the UK high streets by (ice) storm. Initially aimed at the calorie-conscious female looking for a sugar hit, it’s now family-fun-food for anyone deserving a treat. Celebrities are regularly snapped indulging in this (apparently) guilt-free snack and new brands (with ridiculously creative marketing campaigns) are popping up here, there and everywhere claiming that their version is, of course, the healthiest.
Perfectly located between Yoo Moo in the O2 centre on Finchley Road and the new-ish Snog on St John’s Wood High Street, I set the Smalls their challenge. Find me the winner based purely on the all-important underage criteria: taste and fun.
Yoo Moo
Who: 4 hungry tennis players aged 7 and 8
Taste: chocolate flavour was voted the best with Orio topping.
Fun: They liked the self-service, the friendly PR girl and pointing to their toppings in equal measure.
Total rating: 9 out of 10
Who: a perpetually hungry family of 4
Taste: I liked the green tea flavour but was completely outvoted by the Smalls.
Fun: the shop/café was hot. Uncomfortably hot. Resulting in fast melting goo and a little irritability.
Total rating: 6 out of 10

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