I was offered a Rest Day. Who would refuse? Too many nights out (reviewing of course) and end of school year general madness had run me down and worn me out. With a planned trip to escape London and head for the West Sussex coast with my Blonde and 5 smalls, the Rest Day on offer could be just what the juice doctor ordered.
For those who haven’t heard of Radiance, the juice cleanse company, I might need to explain the benefits of a juice fast. It is an opportunity to cut out processed and heavy food and, by consuming the juices instead of food, your body can take stock and recover from the strains and stressed of every day life.
Radiance are planning to launch their Rest Day package (24 hours of a zillion liquidised vegetables and fruits) in September and I felt very honoured to be asked to review it.
I should confess that I am, by nature, an eater not a faster. The bottles arrived in a branded cool bag the evening before we were leaving London. He was out and as I was packing and had no inclination to cook for one, I couldn’t see any reason not to start the 24 hours there and then with the 7pm scheduled Squeaky Green (cucumber, apple, lime, parsley): surprisingly delicious and curiously filling.
The next morning I just couldn’t wait until the advised 9am for Lemon Aid(water, lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne). And when I did drink it, I found it a little harsh. Determined not to fall off the bandwagon so early on, I sneaked in an emergency mug of green tea.
A car full of kids, cases and my Radiance bottles hit the road for the beach. In some ways, it was a great day to ‘rest’ as picnics tend to be full of unnecessarily unhealthy snacks and it was one less thing to think about as we journeyed through the driving rain on the A3.
Every two hours I had a juice so I really wasn’t hungry at all. And a tub of cashews, almonds and raw carrots were my go-to when the hunger did finally set in.
With a slight buzzing headache, we unpacked in our beach house and I finished my final (of the 6) juices: Power Green (celery, pear, cucumber, lemon, spinach) at 5pm. As advised, I had a light salad dinner accompanied by huge amounts of water.
This morning I woke up feeling detoxed. The edge had been taken off my exhaustion and I felt relaxed and now ready to being my real rest on the beach.
Radiance will be launching Rest Day (£90) in September.
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